Yoga En Route

There are moments when sitting isn’t optional, like on a plane. There are few simple moves with a multitude of benefits that you can do on a plane. These moves will stretch you out, massage your internal organs, improve circulation and allow you to chill-out up...

Something To Sit On

If you’re reading this email right now, there’s a great chance that you’re sitting down, whether it’s at a desk at work or on your couch at home. Recently, Runner’s World Newswire released an article that revealed how sitting actually...

Healthy Lifestyle vs. Diets

The Question: Can you do your “diet” for years? Most people associate diets as a short-term phenomenon.  They believe that as soon as they achieve the goal weight loss, they can go back to eating their normal diet.  Of course, they inevitably gain all the...
How DO You Make Muscles Grow?

How DO You Make Muscles Grow?

Life is good. That is our motto at Travelers Health and Wellness and what makes this life so good are the people we get to live it out with. Many of you have been making great progress on your goals this year and we are honored and excited to be along for the ride....

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